The New Moon on Sunday, October 27th portends shocking and unexpected shake-ups. It will be in Scorpio directly opposing Uranus.
Scorpio transforms people and situations by bringing up, sometimes painfully, all the hidden secrets and debris from the past, especially issues around sex, death and big power. Uranus is highly erratic and unpredictable and can shake things up in very unexpected ways. With Uranus in Taurus (earth), we could have some literal earth shaking events.
Expect chaotic and crazy behavior throughout society, from top leaders to family members and friends. Be aware of the tendency for aggressive response. This New Moon may intensify rebellions around the world. Unexpected and shocking news, changes and events may occur.
Look for ways to stay centered and peaceful. Take time for prayer and meditation. Maintain your balance and others will be positively affected. Remember that chaos happens right before we achieve a breakthrough, an epiphany and clarity.
The New Moon signals the end of one 28-day cycle and begins a new one. It occurs when the Sun is conjunct the Moon, energizing and invigorating the new start. The effects last about 4 weeks.
Mercury is retrograde in Scorpio from October 31 to November 20, so be prepared to reflect on what this heavy duty October has taught you. This is a strong intuitive time and you can use this slower reflective energy to meditate on the greater mysteries.