Will the Internet go down? Will people wake up and stop watching the mainstream news? Maybe so, since there is a difficult square between militant Mars and Mercury. This means there can be aggression and conflict or disruption of communications. The media will come under increased criticism for its failure to report the facts, and thanks to Neptune will likely continue their deceptive ways. Will people go to alternative sources to find out what’s going on? Will the stock market continue the wild bull-ride of Uranus in Taurus? These are all possibilities.
The Sun and Moon are exactly opposite from one another, the Sun at 17 Taurus and the Moon at 17 Scorpio during this full Moon. Just as these luminaries are opposite in the sky, the Full Moon signals a push pull between the masculine and feminine, the ego and the heart, the mind and the emotions. The Moon is in deeply and often painfully emotional Scorpio, which is ruled by treacherous Pluto. Mercury conjunct the Sun and opposing the Moon signals conflict about thinking and communicating.
What will happen to health care in the United States? What about businesses that have been closed and people who are out of work? What about banks? Will people go back to school or will we continue the virtual classrooms? Will we every get back to normal? The answer is NO, things will never go back to the way they were in 2019. But maybe that will be a good thing once we have made it through the gauntlet brought about by the ominous stellium of planets in Capricorn beginning in early January.
Remember, Uranus is still in Taurus, working to shake things up until April 2026. Uranus continues the difficult square between the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction signaling more shakeups to our foundational structures. Pluto maintains its close connection to the Jupiter/Saturn union, making this a painfully disruptive continuation of what we have already experienced since the lineup of planets in Capricorn launched the new year in January.
Pluto rules excretion, so it’s no surprise that our youth are licking toilet seats and partying by the ocean as Neptune rules the ocean, poisons, drugs and alcohol.
Neptune is square Venus, making it difficult to see what the truth is. Remember that Neptune can confuse and delude. It rules water and oil and can herald pandemics. Venus rules what we value as well as money. As a result, these cloudy issues and confusion will persist for a while. But as Mars moves toward Neptune, what has been covered up will be revealed about many hidden and corrupt agendas, including COVID-19.
All this change can feel overwhelming, but it is necessary to clear the way for a new more humanitarian way of being that will begin to emerge with the Jupiter Saturn conjunction on December 21 this year. Expect more ups and downs and disturbing news and events until the Fall, when things should lighten up. Ketu or the North Node will leave the Nakshatra Mula, the Nakshatra of destruction on September 19, 2020. It is interesting that Mula helps destroy illusions and reveals the truth for good or bad.
On a positive note, Neptune makes positive connections to the Sun, Moon and Mercury, softening the impact of these more difficult influences.