How does Astrology Work?

Image by Craig Melville from Pixabay

We are not really sure, and this has been debated by great minds including Carl Jung, who introduced it into his psychological counseling practice.

Astrology has been studied for thousands of years and it has been an integral part of cultures worldwide. Astrology is considered the most ancient science, the mother of astronomy, physics and mathematics.

Ancient Clock

Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

Some suggest that the constellations act like an ancient clock which can be used to mark the passage of linear time as well as explain non-linear, complex and subtle relationships, synchronicities and interpretations. According to Roman Yaworsky, it is “the most sophisticated quantum computer device ever imagined.”

The heavens reveal the cycles of time and our place in the drama of life. Your birth chart provides a blueprint or guide for your life path. It is important to understand that your free will choices determine how this energy will be expressed. How you build your life is up to you. Much like the North Star provides a point of reference for travelers on their journey, astrology provides a guide – shining a light on the events that unfold in our lives.

The fact that it has persisted through the ages shows that there must be something to it, or it would have been lost and abandoned long ago.  Those of us who study it are always amazed at the accuracy of detail that can be known if the observer is paying attention.

Alejandro Luna has stated that “astrology cannot be explained on the basis of the material level of reality. Astrology basically involves higher levels of reality related to symbols, language, emotions, psychology, the soul and the spirit.”

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Quantum Universe

In the quantum universe, everything is connected through an invisible web of complex energetic frequencies. At the core of everything is vibration and frequency. We know that our material world appears to be solid but is in fact just atoms vibrating at different rates with a whole lot of empty space in between the parts. Everything is interconnected, along with the consciousness of the observer, which ultimately determines what is seen and experienced. We all contribute and are part of the whole, forming an energy soup that makes up the universe.

How does a mother know when her child is in trouble? There is a connection between the essence of that mother and her child that immediately crosses any physical distance or boundary. Is this how astrology works – through an invisible energetic connection that provides subtle influences in experience?

Someday, when we completely understand the intricacies of how life moves through the cosmos, we will be able to explain this amazing ancient timekeeping guide that the Divine placed in the Heavens for us.

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