Update on the U.S. Economy and COVID-19

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

2020 will certainly be one of those years that goes down in history. If you are alive on planet earth, you have chosen to be here at this very disruptive yet transformative time. So relax the best you can, remain calm and make an effort to stay positive – try not to feed into the panic and negativity that is now whirling around these topics.

It continues to amaze me how accurately Astrology explains things, be it an individual, a country, a question or event. To quote Hermes, “As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…” 

Here are some fascinating indicators that reflect our current experience. I am using the Sibley Chart for the United States.

  • Money and the Stock Market – Transiting Uranus in Taurus (Taurus rules money and Uranus brings shake-ups) conjunct transiting Venus (money) over the United States’  5th house of speculation, stock market and the feelings of the public.
  • Karmic Events – Transiting Uranus and Venus are square the US Nodes (8th house of death and 2nd house of Money), signaling karmic events. The transiting Nodes (karma) are connecting to the US’ Venus (money and values) and Jupiter (expansion, for good or ill).
  • The Public – The transiting Moon (emotions) in Libra (justice) is passing over the 10th house of the public and conjunct the US’ Saturn (restrictions, lessons and the aged).
  • Business, Money and Big Change – Four powerful planets (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto) are lined up in Capricorn (business, institutions and the aged) over the 2nd house of the United States’ money. Transiting Saturn which brings restrictions and lessons along with transiting Pluto which brings powerful change and sometimes destruction are conjunct the United States’ Pluto. Saturn and Pluto move slowly, so this effect is in play for most of the year.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
  • Need for Healing – Transiting Chiron (representing wounds) is going over the US’ 4th house of the homeland.
  • Disease, Hysteria and Foreigners – Transiting Sun and Neptune in Pisces are conjunct  and oppose the United States’ Neptune in Virgo bringing disease related to poisons, along with hysteria, delusion. In the 9th house, this indicates foreigners and the country’s relationship with other countries.

Remain calm, strap in and get ready for a year-long ride through a quite tumultuous time. Use the higher octave of this Pisces energy to make and sustain a strong connection to your Divine Source. Remember, all of this change is necessary to prepare the way for new potential. This is the tilling of the soil which will nurture the new seeds of the future.

Super Full Moon on March 9, 2020 in Virgo

This Super Full Moon in Virgo is powerful and brings energy for healing and overcoming fears. The Full Moon opposes Neptune which is conjunct the Sun in Pisces. This can expose scandal and can increase deception, delusion and confusion. This is a Super Moon, meaning it is especially close to the earth and will be very bright in the night sky.

Image by skeeze from Pixabay

The Moon in Virgo is about healing yourself, emotionally and spiritually, as it aspects Neptune. It calls us to find peace in the midst of chaos.

Positively, Neptune rules spirituality, mysticism, inspiration and dreams. Negatively, it rules deception, delusion, addiction and treachery. It also rules poisons especially those coming from animals such as the Coronavirus which is now believed to have originated from bats, snakes or pangolins, and there are also rumors that it may have been created at a nearby Wuhan biotech lab.

Whatever the source of the virus, this Full Moon is likely to exacerbate fear and reveal new information about the Coronavirus now named the  2019-nCoV.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Meanwhile in the background, the ongoing conjunction of Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn from early January continues its serious year-long impact. This energy should result in major restructuring of old foundations, as secrets are dredged up into the light of day, tilling the fields for a new transformational time in the future. On an individual and personal level, this energetic lineup is urging us to take responsibility and make mature choices.

At this Full Moon, you may be more emotional than usual since Neptune is so heavily involved.  Be aware that these emotions may go negative, showing up as paranoia and worry. However, beneficial Jupiter brings protection and a softening of the negative impact of Neptune’s shadow side.  It is important to remember that sometimes Jupiter expands things (to our detriment), so we might see an increased spread of the virus or increased media attention and fear at this time.

Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay

What can I do?

Connect to your Divine inner guidance and practice heart-centered compassion for others always, and most especially during this time of great uncertainty while those around you may be fearful and lashing out.  Choose love rather than hate. Remember that we are all connected in the One Source, we are just temporarily caught in the illusion of separateness. Pray for the highest good for all and you will find and expand peace.

First Mercury Retrograde in 2020

Mercury Retrograde began February 17 at 12 degrees Pisces and continues until March 10 when it will be at 28 degrees Aquarius. It enters Aquarius on March 5.

Image by skeeze from Pixabay

Mercury, which rules our thought processes and communications, is weak in the watery dreamy sign of Pisces. As a result, things may seem especially vague and confusing and you may have a hard time getting a clear handle on matters.

However, as Pisces rules intuition, it is important to listen to and trust your inner guidance now rather than depending on your rational thought processes.

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Once Mercury moves into Aquarius, things will be clearer and you should be able to see things from a levelheaded and higher perspective. You may have some important insights at that time.  

Mercury is the messenger of the gods and rules communication, it can also be the trickster. When it is retrograde you may accidentally email the wrong person or stumble over your words and say something you didn’t intend to say. So expect some issues around communication, travel delays and details that might go awry. Mercury Retrograde is also famous for bringing people from the past back into your life.

Mercury Retrograde is a time for reflection and review, a time for planning rather than initiating. Use the retrograde period to relax, meditate and get in touch with your Divine guidance.

When Chiron Hurts

Chiron is a comet named after the Greek mythological centaur who was a healer and teacher. Known as the Wounded Healer, Chiron’s position in the natal chart provides insight into the deep spiritual wounds received in early life. It will show where we feel inadequate or have low self-esteem. Its sign and position will also provide guidance on how healing can be achieved and how others can be healed as you heal yourself.

If you are the least bit sensitive, when Chiron is aspected, you will feel it. Recently, Mars was conjunct my Chiron and it was an uncomfotable and intensely energetic and emotional experience.

Learning about Chiron can give you important insight into your life, your deep subconscious beliefs and challenges. Where is Chiron in your natal chart and what does it mean for you? Order your natal chart analysis to understand more.

The 1918 Flu Pandemic and the U.S. Chart

The deadly 1918 flu pandemic killed 50 to 100 million people worldwide, making it one of the deadliest epidemics in history. Although no exact beginning date is known for the outbreak, historian Mark Humphries links the epidemic to the large number of Chinese laborers who were brought from China through Canada.

He reports evidence of a devastating flu in northern China in November 1917. Many of the Chinese workers who were brought to Canada ended up in medical quarantine.

He cites March 2, 1918 when 1,899 Chinese laborers left Wehai China for Vancouver as a potential beginning point. Read more about his fascinating work here.

This date was used to construct a transit chart to compare to the United States birth chart. Noon was used as the time since the actual departure time was not available. Comparing aspects from the Worker Chart to the U.S. Chart produces many interesting and powerful connections.

First, Mars, Mercury and the Moon can all trigger events. They are all making significant aspects.

  • Transiting Mars is in Virgo (rules sickness) over the 9th house of foreigners and long distance travel. Transiting Mars is also conjunct the Midheaven aspecting the 10th house (affairs of the country).  Natal Saturn resides in the 10th house, bringing lessons and difficulties to the populace. It also squares natal Venus (Venus rules 6th house of sickness and 10th house) and is conjunct natal Uranus (panic, shocking).
  • Transiting Mercury is conjunct natal Moon (the people) in the third house of communication. Mercury rules the news as well as physicians. It is in Pisces ruled by Neptune (poison).
  • Transiting Moon (the people and emotions) is in Libra (ruled by Venus) over the 11th house (public). It is possible the Moon is actually in Scorpio (death) since the departure time is not known. The Moon and Sun make hard aspects to Pluto (death).

Other Aspects

  • Transiting Saturn (difficulties) and Neptune (poison) are over the 8th house  (death). They are also conjunct the karmic Natal North Node.
  • The Transiting North Node (karma) in Sagittarius (foreigners) is over the first house (public health).
  • Transiting Pluto (death and destruction) is conjunct natal Jupiter (expansion) and Venus (rules the 10th house of the public and the 6th house of sickness) in the 7th house (public).
  • Transiting Uranus (panic and shock) and Venus (ruling 6th house of sickness) were both in Aquarius (impact to the masses) in the 2nd house (money and values) aspecting the 8th house of death. We know the pandemic had a big impact on the financial wellbeing of the country.
  • Transiting Jupiter (expansion) is conjunct natal Uranus (shock, panic) in the 6th house (sickness)

January 24 New Moon and Flu from China

At the New Moon, the Sun, Moon and Mars made hard aspects to Neptune which rules poisons, especially those from animals and plants and we have heard the flu outbreak from China possibly originated from eating bats or snakes. Now, it looks like the source may have been the unique mammal pangolin. Chinese hunt pangolins for their meat, claws, and scales. Pangolin meat is considered a delicacy in parts of China and Vietnam and other pangolin body parts are used in traditional Chinese medicine. There is also another strong possibility that the virus was a bioweapon created in the biotech lab located near the meat market in Wuhan, the center of the outbreak. Whatever the source, this is a frightening virus indeed as people with no symptoms can spread it.

Getting back to the Astrology, Mars indicates foreigners or foreign travel in Sagittarius and was in the 6th house which rules health and illness. Neptune is in the 9th house which reinforces the foreign travel aspect to this outbreak. The New Moon in Aquarius indicates that this will impact our larger human community and in the 8th house of death is very concerning.

This is a highly contagious disease and has brought China to almost a complete stop as many millions of people are now quarantined in their homes and manufacturing has slowed or stopped in some cases. The impact on the world’s health and financial markets may be severe. This may be the black swan event that brings us to a financial collapse.

I cannot imagine what the people in China and other affected areas are going through. We must pray for all humanity and that this terrifying illness can be stopped soon.

January 24, 2020 – New Moon in Aquarius

Image by Thomas Breher from Pixabay

The New Moon happened on Friday, January 24th, 2020, at 3:42 PM CST at 4 Degrees 22 Minutes of Aquarius.

The New Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon are in conjunction and the dark side of the Moon faces the earth. The New Moon appears black at this time and signals the beginning of a new cycle.

The New Moon in the visionary and humanitarian air sign of Aquarius, brings friendship, group activities and altruistic efforts to the forefront. Aquarius is idealistic, inventive and cooperative and this energy urges us to think of new possibilities that will benefit all. Aquarius is emotionally detached and approaches things from an objective, scientific angle, away from drama and emotional intensity.

This Sun/Moon conjunction is square to Uranus, The Great Awakener, in Taurus. Uranus brings the unexpected, both positive and challenging. It shakes things up. It rules revolution, rebellion, technology and the Internet among other things. Uranus in Taurus is about making things practical and down to earth. Taurus rules the earth, money and the legislative branches of government so look for possible changes in these areas.

All planets are now direct so energy is moving forward and it feels like everything is happening more quickly.

If you have planets around 0 to 8 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius, you will feel this energy more intensely.

Karmic Changes – the Nodes of the Moon Shift in 2020

Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

Major karmic events, both global and personal, revolve around the position of the North and South Nodes of the Moon. In November 2018, the North Node moved into Cancer and the South Node in Capricorn. The Nodes have a cycle of 18 ½ years, so at the halfway point and quarter points, hard aspects are formed bringing about change.

The North Node represents what we should move towards in our evolution and in the natal chart, it represents your life’s path. The South Node indicates what has been mastered in the past and the talents that are available to support the North Node transformation. However, because the North Node energies are new and unknown, we may be tempted to fall back on the tried and true and miss our opportunity for growth.

Currently, the North Node is in Cancer, calling the world to focus on humanity and operate from the heart rather than the head. We are urged to nurture the people (Cancer and the Moon North Node) rather than the command and control all-business approach of the Capricorn South Node. The best expression of the North Node would be to harness the administrative talents of Capricorn to help others.

On May 5, 2020, the Nodes move into Gemini and Sagittarius and will remain there until January 18, 2022. If you have your natal nodes in Gemini or Sagittarius, strong third or ninth houses or planets in Gemini or Sagittarius, this will affect you more than others.

The North Node in Gemini calls us to energetically gather new information, make new choices and embrace change. Gemini rules the mind, rapidly moving from one topic to another and sometimes just skimming the surface and not delving deeply into knowledge.

As Mercury rules Gemini, it will take on an important role in 2020 and Mercury Retrograde periods will be significant. Remember that during Mercury Retrograde it is a time to pause and reflect on your path and progress, be careful with details such as contracts and watch for misunderstandings and delays.

The South Node is about our past and we are asked to review what we have accumulated to determine what should be kept or discarded. Sagittarius rules foreign countries and travel, exploration and adventure. Expect to see outcomes emerge from ideas or efforts begun in the past.  

Sagittarius South Node asks us to use the skills of focus and deep understanding to augment the Gemini accumulation of information. Sagittarius is the seeker, gathering deep information especially about spiritual and higher mind topics. Guard against religious fanaticism and self-righteousness at this time.

Sagittarius and Gemini polarities represent the pull between the city and the country, between boredom and fascination, surface information and deep wisdom, entertainment and truth. During this time we are called to remain curious and question dogmatic viewpoints. We should be willing to consider new viewpoints and integrate new perspectives if they resonate with our souls.

Jupiter will have great significance as it rules Sagittarius. We will need to understand what needs to be discarded and what needs to be nurtured. With Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn, this is about understanding what needs to be permanently changed, transformed and regenerated.

When Jupiter enters Aquarius in December and moves toward a conjunction with Saturn in Aquarius on December 21, this will cause a major shift in our experience of the South Node, bringing greater humanitarian focus, inventive ideas and dreams. Expect great leaps forward in space travel and trade with foreign nations. There will be changes in immigration laws, universities, publishing and the Internet.

Changes to expect during the Gemini/Sagittarius Nodes:

  • New ways to provide advanced education, look for reduced cost and new educational approaches especially in universities
  • Changes to the Internet and all modes of communication
  • New ways to travel
  • Changes in space travel
  • Increased trade – working with foreign countries and foreigners
  • Big innovations in publishing (Kindle was introduced during Pluto in Sagittarius years)
  • 1983 had an unusually large cluster of Sagittarius factors, so cycles, people and issues from 1983 may return to you during this nodal placement (2020-2022)

2020 Big Changes Ahead

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

In January 2020 we have Sun, South Node of the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto and Jupiter went into Capricorn in 2008, when we had a global financial crisis. We will have new structures and new systems as we go through a major transformation of foundational constructs. This is a tremendously exciting shift and we may look at the time before 2020 as the old era.

Saturn, Pluto, Mercury and Jupiter Conjunctions

Saturn and Pluto have been in Capricorn for some time now but will form a powerful conjunction beginning January 12, 2020 which will continue throughout most of 2020. Saturn conjunct Pluto is very significant and usually comes when there are wars and restructuring of power. This begins a new 33-year cycle. Mercury (the way we think) is conjunct as well transforming our opinions.

In April, Jupiter joins this conjunction for most of the year, adding power and expansion to this already very intense connection. Jupiter is conjunct the South Node in Capricorn bringing attention to ambition, responsibility and higher knowledge.

In Capricorn, this signals big changes in the institutions of our world including governments, banking, medicine, religion, etc. This will bring about a complete and permanent (due to Pluto) restructuring of the world. It will take some time, but new structures and systems will unfold over the next decade that will be more humanitarian and innovative.

Martin Luther

The last time Pluto and Saturn were conjunct in Capricorn was in January 1518, two months after Martin Luther (with five planets in transforming Scorpio) nailed his 95 theses to the church door in Wittenberg, challenging the power of the Catholic Church, launching the Great Reformation and the protestant revolution.


Saturn is the lesson bringer and the builder. It rules structure, foundation, integrity, responsibility and government —how we govern ourselves and each other. Saturn teaches patience as it represents old age, the slow passage of time and the wisdom that comes with life experience. When Saturn is in Capricorn expect to reap the rewards of past actions, for good or bad.


Pluto is the great destroyer and brings about powerful and often painful transformation. Pluto will dredge up the garbage to expose it to the cleansing light of day. With Pluto in Capricorn since November 2008, it has certainly brought many scandals to light. Expect more of this to be exposed as this cleansing is necessary to release the old and welcome the new paradigm that is emerging. The Pluto return for the United States begins in 2021, signaling a new cycle for our country.

Saturn Pluto Cycles

When Saturn and Pluto come together this can result in either greater empowerment of the status quo or revolutionary change and a dissolution of power. They make hard angles every 8 ¼ years, are in opposition every 16 ½ years and are conjunct every 33 years. These hard aspects result in upheavals and often uncomfortable change. Some world events that coincide with these cycles include World War I in 1914, the Vietnam War in 1965 and the 9/11 World Trade Center tragedy in 2001.


Jupiter is the Great Benefic and brings expansion, usually positive, to whatever it touches. It rules the higher mind, knowledge, the law, justice, philosophy and Sagittarius among other things. It can result in excess at times. When Jupiter is conjunct one of the heavy hitters like Saturn or Pluto, the impact of that planet is emphasized but it can also bring blessings. For example, Jupiter conjunct Pluto can bring great abundance and wealth through regeneration.

Jupiter conjunct Pluto in 2020

Jupiter unites with Pluto three times during the year in Capricorn (April 4, June 30 & November 12). Expansive Jupiter conjunct Pluto will continue to dredge up issues that affect society and need to be changed, especially those that involve oppression of any kind. Jupiter and Pluto are equal but opposite, one rules the underworld and the other the spiritual world. This will result in deep rooted changes in what we value. It is time to discover what really matters.  

Middle East Crisis – January 2020

On January 3, 2020 at about 1:40 AM in Baghdad a drone strike took out Iran’s number two leader and the leader of the world’s largest terrorist organization. At this time, Mercury/Jupiter and the South Node were conjunct in Capricorn and the Moon was in warlike Aries, square Mercury and Jupiter, Scorpio was rising (intense, powerful) and Uranus on the Descendant (unexpected events). Mars was in the very difficult 29 degrees Scorpio – an extremely powerful degree and especially in transit.

Mars is the planet of war, violence, aggression, heroism and courage. The position of Mars is incredibly important. It will be in Sagittarius for the next few weeks emphasizing the need to find the Truth in the midst of lies. Mars moves into Capricorn on February 17 and will join all the other planets in Capricorn. In the coming few weeks there will be many developments and expect retaliation. The upcoming Lunar Eclipse with tense energy and the lineup of powerful planets in Capricorn will add fuel to the fire. This begins an astrological acceleration of energy. Remain calm during this very difficult month.

Iran is ruled by Aries and Aquarius and the United States east of the Mississippi is ruled by Gemini, Sagittarius and Libra. When Iran responded with missile strikes on January 8 at 1:30 AM, the Moon in Gemini was in the 8th house of death, fear and secrets, opposing Mars (war) in Sagittarius and squaring Neptune (dissolution and delusion) in Capricorn (government). Venus (values) was in Aquarius in the 4th house of the homeland. No Americans were injured in the attack and some of the missiles did not explode. Perhaps this was an attempt for Iran to save face?
