Talk about Intense – Full Moon on October 13, 2019!

Image by beate bachmann from Pixabay

The Moon is almost full as I write this on October 10, 2019 and it is beautiful in the night sky. It will be officially full this coming Sunday, October 13 at 20 Aries and brings with it an array of challenging aspects.

The fiery Get it Started strength of Aries makes this a good time to set and act on your intentions. However, there are challenging aspects to consider.

The Sun in legal and fair-minded Libra squares Pluto (the great revealer) in Capricorn (control, integrity, politics), brings turmoil. Hidden and possible criminal information can become known at this time. Pluto brings destruction, purging and release in order to pave the way for new and positive transformation. Pluto rules big power and the struggles between the people and governments.

Full Moon square Pluto can bring up emotional power struggles, compulsive behavior, fears and violence. Venus in Scorpio is opposite Uranus in Taurus, shaking things up and bringing emphasis to Pluto’s actions and what we value.

Jupiter square Neptune causes us to be easily misled, either by others or by our own delusional thinking.  Challenging squares to Saturn can result in delays and emphasizes taking care of responsibilities.

All is not lost as positive aspects to beneficial Jupiter soften the impact of this tumultuous energy.

At the Full Moon, the Sun and Moon are in exact opposition, exactly 180 apart. This brings matters ruled by the Moon to the forefront while creating tension between those governed by both of these great lights. Matters ruled by the Sun (power, work, ego, action) are in tension to those ruled by the Moon (nurturing, home, intuition, emotion).

The effect of a Full Moon lasts about two weeks and intuition and emotions are high. This particular Full Moon brings opportunities to heal relationships.   
