2020 Big Changes Ahead

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

In January 2020 we have Sun, South Node of the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto and Jupiter went into Capricorn in 2008, when we had a global financial crisis. We will have new structures and new systems as we go through a major transformation of foundational constructs. This is a tremendously exciting shift and we may look at the time before 2020 as the old era.

Saturn, Pluto, Mercury and Jupiter Conjunctions

Saturn and Pluto have been in Capricorn for some time now but will form a powerful conjunction beginning January 12, 2020 which will continue throughout most of 2020. Saturn conjunct Pluto is very significant and usually comes when there are wars and restructuring of power. This begins a new 33-year cycle. Mercury (the way we think) is conjunct as well transforming our opinions.

In April, Jupiter joins this conjunction for most of the year, adding power and expansion to this already very intense connection. Jupiter is conjunct the South Node in Capricorn bringing attention to ambition, responsibility and higher knowledge.

In Capricorn, this signals big changes in the institutions of our world including governments, banking, medicine, religion, etc. This will bring about a complete and permanent (due to Pluto) restructuring of the world. It will take some time, but new structures and systems will unfold over the next decade that will be more humanitarian and innovative.

Martin Luther

The last time Pluto and Saturn were conjunct in Capricorn was in January 1518, two months after Martin Luther (with five planets in transforming Scorpio) nailed his 95 theses to the church door in Wittenberg, challenging the power of the Catholic Church, launching the Great Reformation and the protestant revolution.


Saturn is the lesson bringer and the builder. It rules structure, foundation, integrity, responsibility and government —how we govern ourselves and each other. Saturn teaches patience as it represents old age, the slow passage of time and the wisdom that comes with life experience. When Saturn is in Capricorn expect to reap the rewards of past actions, for good or bad.


Pluto is the great destroyer and brings about powerful and often painful transformation. Pluto will dredge up the garbage to expose it to the cleansing light of day. With Pluto in Capricorn since November 2008, it has certainly brought many scandals to light. Expect more of this to be exposed as this cleansing is necessary to release the old and welcome the new paradigm that is emerging. The Pluto return for the United States begins in 2021, signaling a new cycle for our country.

Saturn Pluto Cycles

When Saturn and Pluto come together this can result in either greater empowerment of the status quo or revolutionary change and a dissolution of power. They make hard angles every 8 ¼ years, are in opposition every 16 ½ years and are conjunct every 33 years. These hard aspects result in upheavals and often uncomfortable change. Some world events that coincide with these cycles include World War I in 1914, the Vietnam War in 1965 and the 9/11 World Trade Center tragedy in 2001.


Jupiter is the Great Benefic and brings expansion, usually positive, to whatever it touches. It rules the higher mind, knowledge, the law, justice, philosophy and Sagittarius among other things. It can result in excess at times. When Jupiter is conjunct one of the heavy hitters like Saturn or Pluto, the impact of that planet is emphasized but it can also bring blessings. For example, Jupiter conjunct Pluto can bring great abundance and wealth through regeneration.

Jupiter conjunct Pluto in 2020

Jupiter unites with Pluto three times during the year in Capricorn (April 4, June 30 & November 12). Expansive Jupiter conjunct Pluto will continue to dredge up issues that affect society and need to be changed, especially those that involve oppression of any kind. Jupiter and Pluto are equal but opposite, one rules the underworld and the other the spiritual world. This will result in deep rooted changes in what we value. It is time to discover what really matters.  

Middle East Crisis – January 2020

On January 3, 2020 at about 1:40 AM in Baghdad a drone strike took out Iran’s number two leader and the leader of the world’s largest terrorist organization. At this time, Mercury/Jupiter and the South Node were conjunct in Capricorn and the Moon was in warlike Aries, square Mercury and Jupiter, Scorpio was rising (intense, powerful) and Uranus on the Descendant (unexpected events). Mars was in the very difficult 29 degrees Scorpio – an extremely powerful degree and especially in transit.

Mars is the planet of war, violence, aggression, heroism and courage. The position of Mars is incredibly important. It will be in Sagittarius for the next few weeks emphasizing the need to find the Truth in the midst of lies. Mars moves into Capricorn on February 17 and will join all the other planets in Capricorn. In the coming few weeks there will be many developments and expect retaliation. The upcoming Lunar Eclipse with tense energy and the lineup of powerful planets in Capricorn will add fuel to the fire. This begins an astrological acceleration of energy. Remain calm during this very difficult month.

Iran is ruled by Aries and Aquarius and the United States east of the Mississippi is ruled by Gemini, Sagittarius and Libra. When Iran responded with missile strikes on January 8 at 1:30 AM, the Moon in Gemini was in the 8th house of death, fear and secrets, opposing Mars (war) in Sagittarius and squaring Neptune (dissolution and delusion) in Capricorn (government). Venus (values) was in Aquarius in the 4th house of the homeland. No Americans were injured in the attack and some of the missiles did not explode. Perhaps this was an attempt for Iran to save face?

January 10, 2020 Powerhouse Lunar Eclipse

Image by skeeze from Pixabay

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 20 Cancer with the Sun conjunct Mercury, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn is supercharged. You can be sure that there will be tension especially between the polarities of life, personal versus professional life, for example. Strong emotions are often felt during the Lunar Eclipse and this one especially due to the conjunctions between the austere Saturn and often painfully transformative Pluto. You may experience sadness or turmoil due to these strong influences. Thank goodness positive aspects to the Sun, Moon and Mercury from Neptune brings some relief to the situation.

Sun conjunct Mercury makes for serious communication, especially regarding Capricorn topics such as control, government, foundations and responsibility.  Because the malefics Sun, Saturn and Pluto are all lined up together, this communication can be harsh, authoritarian and cold. The Moon, opposite these strong characters in emotional Cancer, stands alone and is vulnerable to attack. However, the Moon rules Cancer and is comfortable there. This is an opportunity to find safety. In mundane astrology, the Moon represents the people, society, the community. Human rights may be in danger during this time. But the positive aspects of spiritual Neptune bring compassion to the scenario.

Mighty Mercury – What is your Soul’s Message?

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay


Mercury, which rules the mind and communication of all kinds, is in the middle of a three step journey to help us understand and gain mastery over our lives. This began on September 7 with the Sun conjunct Mercury in Virgo, launching the learning and releasing process. From September to November, you may gather knowledge so you can tune in to what your Soul is calling you to do. In January, this will all come together and you will have the power to initiate new endeavors.

Reviewing and Releasing

Mercury is currently retrograde in Scorpio (October 31 – November 20). This is the time to review, reconsider and reconnect with your past experiences and choices. Scorpio provides the cleansing power to dredge up and release deep seated issues, karma and pain associated with relationships, the power of others and with the past.

Image by InspiredImages from Pixabay


On November 11 Mercury will be conjunct the Sun in Scorpio. This will give you the power to see clearly what you have not seen before. You will be able to release and transmute what has been holding you back from mastering your life purpose.

Mercury transits the Sun only 13 to 14 times in a century creating an eclipse like energetic impact. Mercury passes directly in front of the Sun on November 11, the first transit since 2016. The Mercury Sun conjunctions in September, November and finally on January 11, give tremendous energy to this introspective and soul searching time.  

Initiating New Endeavors

Look back to 2007 to see what was happening in your life at that time. You may feel as though your plans and ideas were thwarted. It is possible a similar cycle is occurring now and you will be able to recognize and move past a recurring theme so that you are able to express yourself more fully and authentically.

What is the Galactic Center?

The Galactic Center is the heart of the Milky Way, our home galaxy. Located about 27,000 light years from earth, the very slow moving Galactic Center (1 degree every 72 years)  is currently at 27 degrees Sagittarius. Our entire Solar System revolves around the Galactic Center, much like the Earth revolves around the Sun. It takes 250 million years for our Sun and solar system to revolve completely around the Galactic Center.

The Galactic Center is thought to be a super massive black hole and corresponds to the astronomical radio source of Sagittarius A.

This artist’s impression shows the surroundings of a supermassive black hole, typical of that found at the heart of many galaxies. Source: wikimedia/commons

Why is this Important?

Jupiter, the Great Benefic, joins the Galactic Center on November 19, 2019 and will continue to aspect this point through the end of November, bringing in expansion,  justice, abundance and awakening to higher knowledge and consciousness.

Other planets will follow Jupiter to aspect the Galactic Center including Venus (November 23) bringing in love energy, the Sun (December 19) making this a personal experience, Mercury (December 27) affecting how we think, and Mars (February 13, 2020) adding great energy to the mix.  

This will be a time of great awakening for many and if you have a planet within 5 degrees of this point, you will feel this more intensely.

Image by Dan Fador from Pixabay

Cycle of Learning

Jupiter returns to the Galactic Center every 12 years and brings with it the opportunity for expanded awareness of your Soul’s purpose. This is now an unusual return since Pluto (the Great Transformer) was at the Galactic Center in 2006/2007, bringing big and often tumultuous change.  Saturn (the Great Taskmaster) reached the Galactic Center in late 2017, bringing lessons, responsibility and sometimes painful learning. Think back to 2006-2007 and what was happening in your world at that time to gain an understanding of the cycle. Has your awareness grown and your insight changed over the past twelve years?

If you have planets that will be aspected, consider the house and energies involved for a deeper understanding of how this may impact you.

2020 – Reformation Repeat or Global Reboot?

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Astrologers worldwide are anticipating the transformational energy of the unusual line-up of planetary energies in January 2020.  At that time, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto will all be in Capricorn.

Solar Eclipse on December 26

The very fortuitous New Moon Solar Eclipse on December 26 at 4 degrees Capricorn, is positively aspected to lucky Jupiter and innovative Uranus, bringing the opportunities for expansion and new and unusual experiences. This is a time for growth and success with an emphasis on personal freedom.  The effects of this eclipse will be felt for about 6 months, providing positive and happy energy to help us through the anticipated big changes to come.

Saturn Conjunct Pluto Plus Jupiter

Saturn and Pluto have been in Capricorn for some time now but will form a powerful conjunction beginning January 12, 2020 which will continue throughout 2020. In addition, Jupiter joins this conjunction for most of the year, adding power and expansion to this already very intense connection.

Image by Andreas Breitling from Pixabay

The last time Pluto and Saturn were conjunct in Capricorn was in January 1518, 2 months after Martin Luther (with 5 planets in transforming Scorpio) nailed his 95 theses to the church door in Wittenberg, challenging the power of the Catholic Church, launching the Great Reformation and the protestant revolution.


Saturn is the lesson bringer and the builder. It rules structure, foundation, integrity, responsibility and government —how we govern ourselves and each other. Saturn teaches patience as it represents old age, the slow passage of time and the wisdom that comes with life experience. When Saturn is in Capricorn expect to reap the rewards of past actions, for good or bad.


Pluto is the great destroyer and brings about powerful and often painful transformation. Pluto will dredge up the dross to expose it to the cleansing light of day. With Pluto in Capricorn since November 2008, it has certainly brought many scandals to light. Expect more of this to be exposed as this cleansing is necessary to release the old and welcome the new paradigm that is emerging.

Saturn Pluto Cycles

When Saturn and Pluto come together this can result in either greater empowerment of the status quo or revolutionary change and a dissolution of power.  They make hard angles every 8 ¼ years, are in opposition every 16 ½ years and are conjunct every 33 years. These hard angles result in upheavals and often uncomfortable change.  Some world events that coincide with this cycle include World War I in 1914, the Vietnam War in 1965 and the 9/11 World Trade Center tragedy in 2001.

Image by meineresterampe from Pixabay

North and South Nodes – Karmic Cycles

Major karmic events, both global and personal, revolve around the position of the North and South Nodes. In November 2018, the North Node moved into Cancer and the South Node in Capricorn. The Nodes have a cycle of 18 ½ years, so at the halfway point and quarter points, hard aspects are formed bringing about change.

The North Node represents what we should move towards in our evolution and in the natal chart, it represents your life’s path. The South Node indicates what has been mastered in the past and the talents that are available to support the North Node transformation. However, because the North Node energies are new and unknown, we may be tempted to fall back on the tried and true and miss our opportunity for growth.

With the North Node in Cancer at this time, the world is being called to focus on humanity and operate from the heart rather than the head.  We are urged to nurture the people (Cancer and the Moon North Node) rather than the command and control all-business approach of the Capricorn South Node. The best expression of the North Node would be to harness the administrative talents of Capricorn to help others.

Image by dexmac from Pixabay

Ride the Wave of Change

With this explosive gathering of energies, expect change!

Uranus in Taurus until 2025 brings a  desire for personal freedom. Innovations and new inventions and breakthroughs related to health, diet, finances and fashion can be expected. Taurus rules the earth, so  expect more earth changes, storms and migrations of people out of areas of famine. This is a time of understanding what you value in belongings and personal relationships.

People, institutions and governments that serve with flexibility and humanity should thrive whereas those that are rigid and unbending will be dramatically changed.

Image by skeeze from Pixabay

Get ready to ride this wave of change into 2020 and beyond! Stay centered, work from your heart and treat others with compassion. This is an exciting time to be alive as we say goodbye to the old and welcome the new.

“Pluto’s journey through Capricorn until 2024 will ultimately restructure the foundations upon which we’ve to build our culture, including the economy itself.” –Rick Levine
